Thursday, September 10, 2009

Appreciation for...

Gratitude is a word that's used a lot in conversation--particularly among motivational speakers. Catchy, slogan-like phrases will embolden people to take charge of their lives with a positive "spin", reminding people to count their blessings, when really they're still reeling from the curses. I'll admit, I have been one of those people who have been reminded to adopt an "attitude of gratitude," and I've understood the words, but I can't say I really appreciated their depth until today.

Watching Luna pedaling on his bike with boundless energy down Monterey Rd to Gilroy, and on the shoulder of Pacheco Pass Hwy as trucks were barreling past him at 50-, 60- and 65-mph speeds, my heart really went out in admiration for this scrappy cook, motivated by... love, actually.

At first when we started talking about this plan (about two weeks ago, I kid you not), we would giggle with excitement about the blog and finding out if sponsors would be interested in helping out. As we started talking to folks, we have been surprised about and increasingly grateful for the assistance people have offered.

I'll admit that I have told people that I've appreciated their call--which I have--but I haven't ever meant it as much as I meant it today. I received a text from a friend, wishing us well, a call from my brother, and another from my high school friend. And for all of them, I am so grateful.

Driving behind Luna at 10 to 15 mph, I get to watch his tireless legs pumping up and down in the beam of our car's headlights. I have ample time to contemplate the simplicity with which he expresses his motivation for doing this.

"I do it for love," he says.

And, today, I realize how vast the meaning of his statement is.

So, it's only been one day on the road. We have cleared 170-plus miles on the road, and it took us about 14 hours.

Right now, I'm so appreciative of so many things...
  • a simple and clean hotel room-- We're staying at the Holiday Inn Express at Dinuba, which is very clean, organized and provides some nice amenities, like washers and dryers for guest use.
  • the bed -- Like coccoons, as soon as you wrap yourself up in one, you are instantly protected from everything else. It's like instant immunity, or something!
  • Shut-eye -- After 14 hours of driving on a "nuit blanche" nothing feels better.
  • food -- Golly, I'm so appreciative that Luna prepared 2 or 3 lbs of pasta, another pound of chick-pea salad, tuna salad, roasted peppers, pico de gallo and a ton of other snacks and stuff. We've been eating like mad, and we haven't even hit Day 2 yet.
  • the information super-highway -- The ability to remain in touch with the world is immeasurably
  • friends and family and others is immeasurable, really. I hope to continue to enjoy great wireless along this journey, but I think we'll have some down time too.
  • love, from the intimate tenderness exchanged between two people, to the universal acceptance and appreciation for all of creation.

We truly live in a world of infinite possibility. And I am so grateful to Luna for showing me that today with his courage, strength and ... endless love.


  1. I love you! You are awesome! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me, and the rest of. . . creation. :-)

  2. Thank you for being a part of our journey. It fuels us along!
